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"I appreciate the honesty of my assessors and I am largely unsurprised by most of my ratings. I will go forward more aware of skills I must work on to become a well-rounded individual"... "I am grateful for the opportunity to receive this 360 cred-ABLE report. The report has clued me in to very specific skills that need more attention and offered me validation in letting me know what I am already doing well."

Olivia P.

"Some of the greatest surprises from my assessment came from the fact that, for multiple skills, I rated myself quite differently than the way my assessors rated me"... "Moving forward, I hope to gain more confidence in the skills I rated poorly and to work harder at skills I have overly positive ratings towards. I hope to see the reward of taking on an opportunity not just as money or a grade, but as improving and practicing my cred-ABLE skills as well...Throughout this past year I've used a folder in my google drive to record significant details and stories of all the opportunities in my life, whether it be old jobs or clubs, as well as the skills I used and developed at the time. I realize now that the skills I record in my professional profile should broaden to include my cred-ABLE skills."

Copper K.

"Once you understand where it is you think you stand in your leadership abilities, the results of the assessment let you compare your judgements with those of your evaluators. This outside view helps us solidify the understanding of our leadership abilities, and how we are at enacting them, because the people we interact with offer us their perspective on things that we may not even see in ourselves."

Andrew C.

"The cred-ABLE Assessment is something I will be able to take a lot away from"... "This assessment is made up of 24 skills, all which combine to help define an individual's strengths and weaknesses. These skills matter because they can help reveal where a person can improve and capitalize on opportunities as well as identify some strengths and things they do well. Strengths can always be further strengthened as well though. By asking a plethora of people who have seen me work in various settings, in addition to an anonymous feedback system, I was able to gather some valuable knowledge of what I currently excel in and where I can hopefully excel in the future."

Mitch H.

"I am grateful for the feedback I have received in this process. I am now more attune to my greatest attributes and areas that present opportunities for growth. I will be able to take this information and move forward with a stronger sense of my individual identity."

Devon P.

"In the past, I never focused on my strengths and weakness. I never knew there were so many categories and just believed that I was well-rounded. As a result, I did not take any time to develop my skills. This cred-ABLE report humbled me and allowed me to realize that I did have shortcomings that I need to improve. Looking toward the future, I am going to work hard to develop my skills. In fact, this evaluation helped me come up with an idea that I plan on implementing soon. I am going to have a daily journal, and in this journal, I will mark down each skill I displayed for the day. In the long run, I will be able to see if I am utilizing my skills more often and which abilities I am not working on enough. I believe that a daily journal will help me become more aware of myself, resulting in a stronger development of all my skills"... "This journal would make it easy to communicate my strengths to others since I have empirical proof of how often I use each skill. For example, in a job interview, I would explain the cred-ABLE report and the growth that I have made ever since."

Dylan M.

"Having skills that can communicate your abilities across platforms will definitely give you a boost in the job market. The tangible skills you possess can determine how versatile you are in the workplace, which in turn, will determine your success in the workplace. The cred-ABLE 360 Skills Assessments allowed me to get feedback from those that have worked with me in various aspects of life"... "It's so interesting to think that you can view yourself as one way and be perceived in a totally different way."

Cam T.

"Our self-perceptions largely influence how well we interpret our experiences, make decisions, and form relationships in life. However, with the uncertain nature of the future, our subjective interpretations of ourselves have potentially detrimental effects on our pathways to success if misconceptions exist. Thus, feedback on our strengths and weaknesses proves crucial. One way to obtain such feedback is through the cred-ABLE assessments, where others provide assessments of your skills and attributes divided into four broad categories"..."Additionally, to apply the cred-Able report into my professional life, it proves necessary to document my current capacity and future growth in skills areas in a way that is communicable to others. To do this, I can try to collect experiences that demonstrate my strengths well and turn them into anecdotes for me to speak about to interviewers or employers later on. At the same time, I will think of my performance in the past and use them to emphasize my capacity for growth. All in all, this cred-ABLE report provided me with valuable insight on skills I need further development in and how I can become a more skilled individual in the eyes of others."

Alisa C.

"As people, our worst flaw is we think we know everything - especially about ourselves. It isn't until we learn new information that we understand how much we have to learn. Participating in a 360 self-evaluation was the perfect way to gain new information about myself and those around me. From this experience, I have gained a new perspective about how I impact others and new goals to work towards to improve myself and my surroundings"... "There are endless ways to apply these traits right at my disposal. Reflecting and processing the information in my 360 evaluation has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to take advantage of these opportunities while I have access to them. It won't be easy, but expanding my horizons in effort to grow all of the 24 cred-ABLE traits will be well worth it."

Gillian W.

"As a result of this assessment and the self-reflection sparked by it, I recognize that my past has been somewhat one-dimensional. That is, I have not been stepping out of my comfort zone as much as I should be. Most of the skills which were rated highly were skills which I feel comfortable practicing - the ones I have been doing forever and will continue to practice. The ones I need improvement on - my personal connections, my initiative - are skills which do not come naturally to me, and it is my fault that I haven't forced myself into these activities more often. Next year, I hope to stay motivated to implement my plans for success, become close with one or two professors or GSIs, improve my ability to work with a team, and practice creativity in a club."

Ethan C.

"In order to truly make the most of the results, it is crucial to first understand the value of the assessment as well as the reasons for potential blindness regarding personal traits. The benefits of 360 feedback outweigh its challenges. While it takes an agreement from many external sources, a sole person can never truly have an accurate outlook on an individual, whether that be oneself or someone else. Generating feedback from multiple perspectives minimizes potential biases, creating a more accurate report and enabling a quicker rate of personal growth. As discussed in class, the greatest leaders of self and others are dynamic. These people recognize change and implement an efficient method to adapt to what is necessary. This idea is applicable to the observed results of cred-ABLE's assessment. In order to most productively stimulate change in essential life skills, adequate analysis and reflection of feedback is imperative."

Jack B.