Discover the practical education in your college experiences


General Process for the cred-ABLE Assessment & Journey:

The purpose of cred-ABLE is to help you better understand the skills and ways of thinking you have started to acquire in your life and those that you will need to continue to develop for work and career after college.

Many assessments have you self-report on different skills, competencies, and attitudes. This can be useful for raising your awareness, but the process is more powerful when other individuals from your life assess you too. But that is only the beginning with cred-ABLE.

cred-ABLE is a product and service that is integrated with your college’s advising and career services and is intended to help you discover the hidden curriculum in your college experiences. You get a detailed report on the current development of your skills and competencies. In evaluating your results, by yourself or in a coaching session with advisors, you will start crafting a path in school where you can take courses and participate in activities that you're really interested in, but also discovering the potential skill growth opportunities these and other courses and activities hold for you.

Description of Assessment:

When an individual takes the cred-ABLE assessment, they will answer a few introductory questions about themselves. Then they will assess themselves on 24 skills they have started to develop.

After completing the assessment, individuals are prompted to provide information on persons they know in different roles in their lives. These individuals will provide feedback on the same 24 skills so that comparisons can be made.

It is difficult for anybody to really "get outside of themselves" to observe their own behavior, so a willingness on your part to ask others for their observations can yield rich information from which to grow and build on.

Once you and the people you ask for feedback complete the assessment, the cred-ABLE platform will take all of the data and generate a report, which will be made available to you directly or in conjunction with your school's advising or career services. Click here for an abbreviated example of report (PDF).


The responses of the individuals you invite to evaluate you will remain entirely confidential. We guarantee confidentiality so that you can obtain the best feedback possible.

If you are interested in taking the assessment, press the "CONTINUE" button below.